Wednesday 30 December 2009

Detachment ????

I really doubt the intention of divine in the formation of this universe.
Just a day before , one of our close family friend lost there son in-law in a road accident . I am not worried about the one who has gone, but those who are left behind for a miserable life for the rest of there life.
What exactly is divines plan . When ever I ask my father, the answer is progress of soul and the Karma which decides what we receive.
If the ultimate thing was progress of soul which again would be decided upon our act, why he made such a relation based on attachment. Its very hard to think that all has to leave this body one day, its just that someone leave early , some latter. But why this ????? Why a beloved next moment can disappear any moment. The end line is that there is nothing in our control. We are helpless and are in the state as decided by the divine. The very next moment is uncertain and unpredictable. The only way to decrease the lose is detachment . This is not a suggestion , whether you like or not , this has to be accepted since there is nothing in our control.

Saturday 21 November 2009


I am finding it difficult to handle relationship . Things are changing so fast, the moment you have changed yourself to cope with one change, the next is ready in the queue.

Also expectations are now more from all the sides .

You concentrate on the relationship which matters more to you and concentrate on that. But people who mean all to you , may again have some special person who may mean special to them as well. So ultimately its not only maintaining relationship with the few special , but to those as well who are special to those few.

This chain is becoming longer and longer and I really don’t understand where its going to end.

May be I have to open my arms more .....again a new change for me ...but there is limit to all ....I really don’t have any idea when this would end..

May be never !!!!!

Thursday 24 September 2009

GOD Finding me !!

Sounds absurd , but I believe in this "God finding me"
There is a famous nazm of Nida Fasli and it goes like :

"Sab ki saki pe nazar ho , ye zaruri hai magar //

Sab pe saki ki nazar ho, ye zaruri to nahi "

It means : It may be that all eyes are on god, but what matters is on whom god's eye is .
Lets try to be so devoted and surrender our self , that the divine has a urge for us.

Every time I and my father discuss , he narrates this story of Sriaurobindo . Once a blind guy came to visit Sriaurobindo on a durshan day . when his turn came, one of the sadhak came to Sriaurobindo and said that a blind man wants to have durshan of yours.
Sriaurobindo gave a pause and then said since he has no eyes how can he have darshan.
The same was communicated to the blind guy and the reply was heart touching . The blind man said , I don’t want to see sriaurobindo , I just want that he seems me once.

The message is clear, the surrender should be to the limit that even the divine feels the necessity to be with me.

Monday 24 August 2009

True lasting love : is it devotion ?

IMP : This post is from Shekher Kapoor's blog , but I really admired it and thought to post on my site as well.
This came in from Cinda and I found it very beautiful :
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have his stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00. I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On examining it I saw it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors and got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while as she suffers with Alzheimer's disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised and asked him, "And do you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"
He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me anymore but I still know who she is." I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm and thought,
"That is the kind of love I want in my life. True love is neither physical nor romantic."
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be......

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Nothing matches this story

So you think I’m courageous?” she asked.
“Yes, I do.”
“Perhaps I am. But that’s because I’ve had some inspiring teachers. I’ll tell you about one of them.
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl named
Liza who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a
blood transfusion from her five-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and
had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate
for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, ‘Yes, I’ll do it if it will save Liza.’
“As the transfusion progressed, he lay in a bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing
the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the
doctor and asked with a trembling voice, ‘Will I start to die right away?’
“Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give
her all his blood.
“Yes, I’ve learned courage,” she added, “because I’ve had inspiring teachers.”

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Simple At Heart

Although I don’t like reading or watching English books and serials , but after much effort from Jayanti , my wife, I finally bought a book called Chicken soup for the soul". I know its a very common book for readers, but the story was really very touchy and I always remember it .
Its of the great basketball player Magic Johnson. He used to visit a club during his practice days .He was having a SUV which he parked in the parking area .
One fine day , he reached the club, parked his vehicle and was about to leave the area , a lady in wretched condition came to him. She was carrying a baby and she slowly moved to Johnson.
She begged for 5$ from him and said that her baby was suffering from leukemia .If he helps with such a small amount , she would be finally able to treat her child .
Johnson had heard from fellow members that there is a lady who asks for money by befooling others.
He just though for some moment, and gave 5$ to the lady and went up .
In the lobby he discussed this with one of the other members, and that member replied "Johnson you have been fooled by that lady" She always asks for money by telling some or the other stories.
Johnson moved ahead by saying "thank GOD , the child is not suffering from leukemia"
There are two aspects of this story.
Some may say he was fooled, some may not. where do we fall???

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my mother's birthday . and its said that on this very day , there is a time in when god himself visit you. Now its upto us to recognize in which form or way he comes.
My mother left us on 2nd Feb. and so she is with the divine today.
Really don’t have any idea on how to celebrate her birthday. My father had a prayer in the morning and may be that’s how he has offered his gratitude to the divine and mother . Its almost 1 and half year now, but things have almost changed upside down. All activities are incomplete without her and above all, there is no charm in life .
Life should always have a reason and we should always try to preserve that reason to be delighted in life. May be I was not able to do that , and so today we are celebrating her birthday without her in body.
Although I am not able to see her , but I would say from within my heart
"Many Many Happy Returns of The Day Maa"

Friday 10 July 2009

Mahindra Satyam --Back on Track

Was really excited about today's news as it was very special for me . The news was that Glaxo SmithKline Beecham GSK has renewed its contract with Satyam for another 5 years.
Great news , as Satyam is so close to my heart.
Seems Anand Mahindra has really put his whole team in making the new Satyam a huge success. I still feel , there is no match between Satyam and any other company, it has a place for itself which is unmatched. People, Process & Procedure, all 3 are perfectly in sync in Satyam. It would be unfair on my part , but still till date, I find Satyam the most Human organization with a lot of common sense.
I just pray from god that , its on the same height as it was some 6 months back.

Thursday 2 July 2009


Nothing wrong turns out to be right in the long run. The very fact that so many failures have finally turned into outstanding successes implies that failures are not wrong.
The greatest glory is in rising every time one falls. You name any successful person, and I can assure that they would have seen a thousand failures before succeeding in life. You might have heard this a thousand times, but its true "high risk , high return" , and I am not suggesting to take a completely unknown risk . But what I am suggesting is , we can always have a calculated risk. Risk in itself contains a big portion of uncertainty, but that’s the game.
I strongly feel that to fail without putting effort is wrong, but failure in itself can never be wrong.
Fear to fail will never allow us to come out of our comfort zone. If you have not failed enough, it means you have not tried enough. Failure is not a result, but feedback.
finally what I follow is a calculated risk where I know the ratio of certainty and uncertainty is somewhere around 60:40 .

Monday 29 June 2009

Fun Of Failure

In 1914 Thomas Edison's factory in West Orange, New Jersey, was virtually destroyed by fire. Although the damage exceeded $2 million, the buildings were insured for only $238,000 because they were made of concrete and were thought to be fireproof. Much of Edison's life work went up in smoke and flames that December night. At the height of the fire, Edison's 24-year-old son, Charles, searched frantically for his father. He finally found him, calmly watching the fire, his face glowing in the reflection, his white hair blowing in the wind.
"My heart ached for him," said Charles. "He was 67 — no longer a young man — and everything was going up in flames. When he saw me, he shouted, "Charles, where's your mother?" When I told him I didn't know, he said, 'Find her. Bring her here. She will never see anything like this as long as she lives.'"
The next morning, Edison looked at the ruins and said, "There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew."
Three weeks after the fire, Edison managed to deliver the first phonograph.

Edison could not conceive of any experiment as a flop. As Israel puts it, "He saw every failure as a success, because it channeled his thinking in a more fruitful direction." Israel thinks that Edison may have learned this attitude from his enterprising father, who was not afraid to take risks and never became undone when a business venture crumbled. Sam Edison would simply brush himself off and embark on a new moneymaking scheme, usually managing to shield the family from financial hardship. Israel says, "This sent a very positive message to his son--that it's okay to fail--and may explain why he rarely got discouraged if an experiment didn't work out." In addition to teaching him what wouldn't work, Israel says, failed experiments taught him the much more valuable lesson of what would work--albeit in a different context.

Why God Created Maa

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one
day he asked God, “How am I going to live on earth being so
small and helpless?”
God replied, “Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She
will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”
“But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing
and smile, that's enough for me to be happy.”
“Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every
day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy.”
“And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk
to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?”
“Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words
you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your
angel will teach you how to speak.”
“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?”
“Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you
how to pray.”
“I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect
“Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices
from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry
asked softly:
“Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's
“Your angel's name is of no importance, you will call your angel:
God could not be everywhere, so he made mothers.

Thursday 25 June 2009


Its important in our professional area to have diversified knowledge as we live in a much insecure world. Like a person who is employed in Govt. service, and has a secure job, we live in everyday uncertainty.
In situation like now, we are more prawn to losing jobs . And in these times , people who have diversified knowledge only survives .Let me explain with a example .
There are 2 persons with same experience level . One has worked on almost assembly line job , but is expert in what he does.
The other guy has vast knowledge and has been associated with multiple activities. Although his level of expertise is less then the 1st one , but he can handle broader area of work with satisfactory performance.
In today’s situation, I feel the 2nd guy is more suitable as he can handle a broad area of work.
It now depends on us where we want to be like the 1st person or the second. Being a 2nd person definitely means that we have to take initiatives and may be need to stretch more than the 1st guy.
I feel since for us its very difficult to risk up by walking on the stairs , why not take a lift and reach on the top much faster and without hampering other's growth.
“May be this is the right time to decide what we really want in life”

Friday 19 June 2009


Main Kabhi Batlata Nahin
Par Andhere Se Darta Hoon Main Maa
Yun To Main,Dikhlata Nahin
Teri Parwaah Karta Hoon Main Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Hain Na Maa

Bheed Mein Yun Na Chodo Mujhe

Ghar Laut Ke Bhi Aa Naa Paoon Maa
Bhej Na Itna Door Mujkko Tu
Yaad Bhi Tujhko Aa Naa Paoon Maa
Kya Itna Bura Hoon Main Maa
Kya Itna Bura Meri Maa

Jab Bhi Kabhi Papa Mujhe
Jo Zor Se Jhoola Jhulate Hain Maa
Meri Nazar Dhoondhe Tujhe
Sochu Yahi Tu Aa Ke Thaamegi Maa

Unse Main Yeh Kehta Nahin
Par Main Seham Jaata Hoon Maa
Chehre Pe Aana Deta Nahin
Dil Hi Dil Mein Ghabraata Hoon Maa
Tujhe Sab Hai Pata Hai Naa Maa
Tujhe Sab Hai Pata Meri Maa

Monday 15 June 2009

Accountable Delegation

Faith again plays a major role in team building. I may be better then 3 person, but I know I cant be at all the 3 places at the same time. So delegation becomes necessary.
Delegation multiplies productivity. Now the same 3 work can be done by 3 different person at the same time, which also helps in sticking to the deadline.
Team members can be groomed only through accountable responsibility . This also brings consequences, which may be favorable or unfavorable, but that’s the part of Growth.
If the member is not adequately skilled, then train them, but if after repeated support, its not working out , the best way would be to think for alternative resource.
Accountability assures that the performs get rewarded and the nonperformers are identified and corrected.
The conclusive is that notice the performers and help them to improve further in the organization. I know people are created only through delegation of accountable work.
"What cannot be measured, cannot be monitored"

Saturday 13 June 2009

Positive Dissatisfaction

It sounds absurd, but dissatisfaction can be a motivating factor for growth. It should be a positive dissatisfaction.
One has to be dissatisfied with oneself, not with others, other wise the impact would be almost reverse.
I feel one should definitely benchmark one's expectation with dissatisfaction. This would help in finding the GAP between where we are and where we want to reach, and thus help us fill the gap to achieve the same.
But above all, try to be "Happy". The charm of life is in being Happy. So even when there is positive dissatisfaction, we have to be Happy.
So the conclusion is to be "happily dissatisfied" which would definitively trigger growth.
It works friend, as we all know that one thing which is constant is "CHANGE" . Then why stop growing ?????

Thursday 11 June 2009

Attack on Rising Indians

The recent racist attacks may be new , but this simply indicates that the world is a bit concerned about the rise of Indians across the globe.
I don’t feel there is any area which is untouched by the Indians.
This also means that there is nothing we cant do , may be a labor job or a highly skilled job, we are present everywhere.This is not at all a good sign and the world need to understand that we have made a presence across the globe only because of hard work and intelligence .
Being a open world now, if the law of the country permits, a person should be allowed to live without fear .
This has much to do with the recent recession which has taken thousands of livelihood.
But they have to understand that the situation is not because of us, we are equally affected.
The best way out would be to start a inward thought process and see if value addition on skill can make some difference or not.
These attacks wont solve any purpose , it would simply increase the restlessness around the globe.
My suggestion would be :
"Be simple, be quite , do your work as well as you can --- and the rest will be taken care by the divine"

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Election India 2009 – A Vote For Change

We are back to the election mood, lok sabha elections on the door step , but this time with a difference.The forgotten breed of netas are out in the field trying to vow voters . We again have to decide from the list of jokers , a joker who is less harmful. But this time we have people who have decided to make some change in the system. People like Mallika Sarabhai & Capt Gopinath have decided to change the system which is definitely a small step , but which has deep impact on out system.Now its up to us to decide whether our priority is caste , religion , temple , saries , money which the netas promise or food ,basic amenities , jobs and above all a society which is safe to live in.The choice is ours and serious as if we do a mistake , we again have to wait for another 5 years to make the change.I always had a though on how can one vote on caste and religion. Does it mean a Hindu will never harm a Hindu or a muslim a muslim. Please remember a caste vote can only strength the neta and not the public. Other wise all the yadavs in Bihar and UP would have saving of 28 lacs like Lalu has declared while filing the nomination.
Please think twice while voting and vote for a candidate who is not only better for you , but also for the entire society। If we rise above our self, this would can be much better place to live in.

Thursday 12 February 2009

अधुरा खवाब

सपने थे , जाने कितने ,

पता नही कहा खो गए ,

जैसे समय के साथ बह गए ,

सोचा था माँ के साथ रहेंगे ,

कुछ खट्टी मीठी बात करेंगे ,

कुछ छेड़ छाड़, कुछ तकरार ,

पर पता न था ,

न हो सकेगा ये सपना साकार ,

आधा आधुरा सा ये जीवन ,

अब कभी न हो सकेगा पुरा ,

जब तुम ही न रहे मेरे पास ,

कौन सुने अब मेरी आवाज़ ,

written by me

Sunday 25 January 2009

हमे खो कर

हमे खो कर बहुत पछताओगे ,
जब हम नही होंगे ,
भरी दुनिया को वीरा पाओगे ,
जब हम नही होंगे ,

बहुत आसन सही राहे वफ़ा के, मंजिल लेकिन,
अकेले तुम कहा तक जाओगे ,
जब हम नही होंगे ,

हमे अपना नही , सनम गम तुम्हारा है ,
की तुम किसपर सितम फर्माओगे,
जब हम नही होंगे ।

Thursday 22 January 2009

Vande Mataram

Nothing works well in my country. No system, traffic, population, pollution, politics, basic infrastructure and many more------But nothing compares India
India is Unmatched and Incredible
I am really missing the traffic, the noise , the food, the crowd, the weather, our people and everything around.
I can stay abroad for 15 days max 30 days , but beyond that nothing fascinates . I have started missing gobhi aloo, hajmola , chatt, panipuri , auto , haircut.
May be I am happy with the so called middle class resources, and truly speaking I am not enjoying the most advanced resources I am using here in Denmark . Just imagin a mall where you have a “May I help you “ desk to guide you . You approach there and she will tell you to go straight , take a left and then again right and you will find the Levis showroom. Can that replace the market of Chandni Chowk or Rajouri Garden , where each turn is a surprise and full of excitement .
And all these are possible only in India . You don’t need to go out of India to experience the world. We have all in one country – INDIA .
We don’t need to go to France for skiing or Hawaii to enjoy blue beaches.
And that’s make India – A nation to be envy about.


Being happy doesn’t mean that every thing in my life is going well and as desired, but yes definitely its that the thing I love the most in my live is perfect .
Same applies with sadness as well.
I am also going through the same time now. Its not that all has finished in my life , but the think I loved the most , my mother , is no more , and that’s make all the difference. Even other things which are smooth and going as desired , are as well important , but that definitely doesn’t carry the weight age which she carried in my life.
On this 2nd Feb. , it will be a year that she left me alone , but each day has passed with her more than when she was in body.
I really don’t understand what we need from life . Imagine a life where you have everything which you desired for, but no loved one around. Isn’t this a empty happiness.
May be as the time passes by , I would be able to find happiness in other things and may be the thing which gives me most happiness changes, but for now all seems to be blank.

Saturday 17 January 2009

माँ तुम्हारा साथ

कुछ तो बात है , कुछ है तो,
आँखे बंद करो और फिर देखो ,
माँ के साथ ये दुनिया सारी सारी,

वो आँखों में चमक , वो मीठी सी मुस्कान ,
वो हर वक्त रहना बेचैन और परेशान ,
सोचो और फिर देखो दुनिया कैसी है ,
उसके बिना सब अधुरा , सब बेजान ,

अब तो बस ये चाह है ,कब उससे मिलेंगे ,
कब सुन सकेंगे उसकी बातें ,
और पूछेंगे कियु किया तुमसे ऐसा ,
क्या मेरी गलती इतनी बड़ी थी ,
छोड़ दिया अकेला मुझे ,बातें सब अधूरी ,
कहना था अभी सारी बातें जो थी जरुरी ।

हर वक्त तुम्हारा साथ ,
ये मत समझना , तुम ऐसे ही चली जाओगी ,मेरि ज़िन्दगी से,
आऊंगा हर जनम में तुम्हारे ही पास ,

समझ नही आता कैसे तुम्हे वापस बुला लू,
सावित्री की तरह यमराज को मना लू,
बस एक बार वापस कर दो मरी माँ ,
और ले लो हमसे ये सारा जहाँ ,

इससे अच्छा तो कुछ याद ही न रहता ,
कौन आपना और कौन पराया ,
कम से कम ये तो तसल्ली होता,
की तुम हो अच्छे से कही पे,
और माँ , मै यही सोच कर सोता

Written By Me

Monday 12 January 2009

Priceless Moments

I was listening to ghazals from movie Bazaar, and every thing came as a flashback.
My days at Bokaro, school, my sisters, my parents . The whole thing was beautiful. Although we had limited resources , but that too was fun. Spending time in one room, I still remember the day papa bought a new carromboard , and we were so excided that we played the whole night. We at home were great music lovers, ghazals, classical and vocal We used to spend a lot of time listening to music. Since we didn’t got much pocket money , I used to eagerly wait for one of my cousin who used to buy me cassettes when ever he came to our place.
And my elder sister used to be my savior at all times. Even during exam , after repeated warning from papa , I used to go for play. Coming back home used to be a pain. And then my sister used to save me from papa’s stick.
The worst effected was my younger sister. She was a guinea pig for my research. I used to make useless tunes from my lyrics diary which I got from my school, and she used to memories and sing that for me. This happened for a long time , till she realized that my tunes are useless.
And then sitting at the terrace, we used to have chapatti byte from maa on a turn. She used to feed us one by one and after every bite , I used to wait for my turn to come.
I miss that all , those days were priceless. Now we are all at different places sharing our feeling through mobile, phone or emails .
Truly speaking , I live in the past and every event triggers a flashback for me.

Friday 9 January 2009

Satyam Saga – Heartbreaking

I was surprised by the news of Raju accepting deep fraud in Satyam accounts. It was not only shocking but at the same time painful. I was associated with Satyam for 3 years and am proud to be associated with it. I left it in June 2008 , and with the recent development , it seems to be a good decision now. It not only disturbes us but all those who are associated with us . But these recent developments have make me feel down.
You have a baby whom you love more than anybody . You care for him, you feed him and to see him on the top of the sky , you even do things which you are not supposed to. As time passes by , the baby turns into a adult and then you come to know you have spoiled the child with your unwanted love and affection .
The same happened with Satyam. It was a brainchild of Raju. He nurtured and took the company to where it is in 21 years. And suddenly, the means he took to reach there, made all the difference.
Its very painful to read and hear news about Satyam. Analysts are talking about sellout, breaking up into verticals and sectors , closing down etc , and its hurting me a lot.
Throughout my association with Satyam, I had the best time of my carrier. Great environment, great team and charged work place.
Its very difficult to understand , in 2 week time, all has comedown and that because of a single man who should have protected the interests of the employees and shareholders.
In a span of overnight , this company has become untouchable .
I just pray that it comes out safe and sound and with stronger top management team with ethics and take the brand Sataym forward.
It would be painful for me to see the company broken and divided.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Love & Detachment

Being in Denmark for some time now makes me understand why its good to love someone intensely but at the same time be detached. Its difficult for people like us to understand , but this is the only way to reduce pain.
Its universally true that one has to leave this body some day or other, this results in utmost pain if its of some one who means a lot to you.
But if love is accompanied by detachment , its easy to understand the truth .
I have been struggling to be normal after my mother left us . May be if I would have followed what people in west follow , I would have been able to perform activates much better . Its not that people in west don’t love there near and dear ones, but may be it’s a detached love. What I am talking about is nothing new, I have hearing and reading this as well and the idea is very much in India as well, but its difficult to follow which is also because of the way our society is setup. We have so close bond with each other and sometimes even at a very old age, the dependency is too much. This results in attachment. Where as here in west, at a very early age its made clear that one is sole responsible for one’s life in every matter. This results in freedom and also makes one detached to some extend. This never means that they don’t love , much since love is accompanied by detachment, there pain is less and is feasible too.
When it comes to leaving body, there is no way we can stop and we are helpless. Then why not to accept this truth that its unavoidable and there is no house which is untouched in the world.
But then why such a painful creation by god???

Saturday 3 January 2009


माँ..... काया शब्द खुदा ने बनाई ,

मनो सारीखुशी इसमे समायी ,

माँ मतलब प्यार , माँ मतलब दुलार,

माँ से सारा जहा ,

मिल जाए खुदा भी माँ हो वहा,

माँ तुम्हारी एक झलक पाने को ,

सारी खुशी कुर्बान।

तुम्हारे बिना ये जीवन किस काम,

अब समझ आता है क्या थे तुम मेरे,

हर दिन और हर शाम ,

बस तेरी ही यादें और तेरा नाम,

किस्से कहे हर बात अपनी ,

जब तुम बन गए भगवन,

हर बात तुम्हारी याद आती है ,

शायद तब तक , जब तक न हो जाए मेरे जीवन की शाम ,

बॉस यही अंतिम बात अच्छी न लगी ,

कैसे निर्णय ले लिया अकेले ,

की तुम्हारे बच्चे बस यादो में संजोये ,

बिताये सारी उमर अकेले अकेले ।

Writen by Me

Thursday 1 January 2009

2009 – Resolution

No more resolutions for 2009 , as I don’t stick to that . I have decided to listen to my heart and move ahead. Even decided not to put too much of brain in anything and leave things simple and as they come .
I have felt that there are times when that external force want us to take things as simple as they come , but its we who start reading between the lines and then life becomes complicated.
I want to give myself a try…….. totally to thy will and I know it will be much better then what I decide and do.
The problem is I don’t even know what is good for me . All actions are decided on the situation and need at that very moment . May be what I need is not good for me in the long run,…… who cares…..and then I get that … time passes I start regretting why I asked for this. But till then…its too late.
But not this time….
Lets see what is planned for me……when I have let myself open …….

Joy of true Work

Our selfish work, prompted by ego and ego centric desires in which millions are sweating and toiling from morning till evening, that karma is like labor job. These are prompted purely by our ego and we ruin our life our self. Running from day till evening like animals. By far it’s the sweating and harassing in the world outside , its pure labor job without any purpose. Complaining of the tension , stress and strain of life , that is not real work.
Where the worker never understand tiredness. The joy of the true work replenishes the true worker. The joy if true work is nobler than all the amount of sweat , and bucket of tension brings out of you, extortion you bring about physical – that is only labor and “ that is not true work”
Maintain your ideal and then work on it . But keep one thing in mind that the ideal is not a small ideal. Like I want Rs 100 million and the moment I get that , I would retire. But there are chances that WE may get it, but there after one has nothing to do, one is dead in action. So
But then what is the purpose of keeping the goal so high when you cant even reach. Reaching the goal is not the goal, striving to reach it----that’s the moment when one grows .And so when you are inspired by working , there is no extortion or tiredness.

Inspired by Swami Chinmayananda

New Year 2009

Today on the eve when the world is celebrating the passing of 2008 and arrival of new year , I just have one thing in mind, this year has taken the most precious thing of my life- my mother. I really don’t know when to say goodbye to this year or not, as I feel long with my mother this year too is passing . Time has passed by and it has been 10 months since my mother left the body.
She has taken all my enthusiasm and energy with her, and has left a living body of mine which is nothing better then a moving skeleton.
I wonder how I will spend whole life with each moment having her at the back of the mind.
No words to write further