Monday 15 June 2009

Accountable Delegation

Faith again plays a major role in team building. I may be better then 3 person, but I know I cant be at all the 3 places at the same time. So delegation becomes necessary.
Delegation multiplies productivity. Now the same 3 work can be done by 3 different person at the same time, which also helps in sticking to the deadline.
Team members can be groomed only through accountable responsibility . This also brings consequences, which may be favorable or unfavorable, but that’s the part of Growth.
If the member is not adequately skilled, then train them, but if after repeated support, its not working out , the best way would be to think for alternative resource.
Accountability assures that the performs get rewarded and the nonperformers are identified and corrected.
The conclusive is that notice the performers and help them to improve further in the organization. I know people are created only through delegation of accountable work.
"What cannot be measured, cannot be monitored"

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