Thursday 1 January 2009

2009 – Resolution

No more resolutions for 2009 , as I don’t stick to that . I have decided to listen to my heart and move ahead. Even decided not to put too much of brain in anything and leave things simple and as they come .
I have felt that there are times when that external force want us to take things as simple as they come , but its we who start reading between the lines and then life becomes complicated.
I want to give myself a try…….. totally to thy will and I know it will be much better then what I decide and do.
The problem is I don’t even know what is good for me . All actions are decided on the situation and need at that very moment . May be what I need is not good for me in the long run,…… who cares…..and then I get that … time passes I start regretting why I asked for this. But till then…its too late.
But not this time….
Lets see what is planned for me……when I have let myself open …….

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