Wednesday 15 July 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my mother's birthday . and its said that on this very day , there is a time in when god himself visit you. Now its upto us to recognize in which form or way he comes.
My mother left us on 2nd Feb. and so she is with the divine today.
Really don’t have any idea on how to celebrate her birthday. My father had a prayer in the morning and may be that’s how he has offered his gratitude to the divine and mother . Its almost 1 and half year now, but things have almost changed upside down. All activities are incomplete without her and above all, there is no charm in life .
Life should always have a reason and we should always try to preserve that reason to be delighted in life. May be I was not able to do that , and so today we are celebrating her birthday without her in body.
Although I am not able to see her , but I would say from within my heart
"Many Many Happy Returns of The Day Maa"

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