Saturday 13 December 2008

Divine Surrender

"Surrender" in itself is the first step towards divine acceptance and our will to move ahead on thy will. Reasoning doesn't comes into picture once total surrender is present. And its important to understand that thy will acts only when the acceptance is 100%. In Mahabharata , Duryodhan was on the way of humiliating Draupadi , but she was constantly calling Krishna for help. The voice was very well heard by Krishna , but instead of repeated quest for help, he was unmoved. Draupadi was holding the sari with one had and the other had was up in the air for help . Finally she left the sari and raised both her hand in the air asking Krishna that now you can only save me. And that was the moment Krishna came and then what happened, we all know. The reason behind, "Complete Surrender" , that's what Krishna was waiting for . Draupadi had some hope on herself and that was the reason of holding the sari with one hand.
Believe me , divine acceptance never fails.


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