Tuesday 4 November 2014

Winter Travel : Papa

As per his plan every year , papa left from Delhi yesterday . He will be back to Delhi by the end of February now . He likes spending his winter season with didi in Kolkata .
I went to the railway station to drop him . We were well ahead of time and had comfortable time to sit and discuss.
You won’t find papa sentimental most of the time , especially when he leaves for journey , he would be normal . May be within , he is emotional , but you won’t be able to make it out .
But yesterday, he was too emotional , for the 1st time I saw that . He had tears in his eyes when he asked me to leave.
I just prayed from god, keep him healthy and happy and within with emotion and fear ...i prayed ….god I want to come again to receive him once he is back in February .
My home is quite now ...as if my baby or Kid has gone on vacation.

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