Wednesday 29 July 2015

Wont have another Kalam

Dr, A P J Abdul Kalam : Once you read about this man , you are bound to love him , respect him and adore him . Greatest asset he carried , his "SIMPLICITY"
Read an incident about him , i was moved .One day after meeting some school children , he was sad .

When asked, his reply was :
"One boy asked me a question and I am not happy with the reply I gave him," he said. He seemed genuinely distressed. "He asked me what has been my contribution that is truly unique, and I was not sure I knew the answer," he worried. I was astonished. Here was a man who had walked and talked with the most important people of the land. He had sent satellites into space, and worked on plans to bring about changes in the lives of people in the smallest villages. His concerns were large and important. But to him, even this was important - to reply properly to a schoolboy's query. 

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