Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Time After Time

Time after time,
I tell myself that I'm
So lucky to be loving you,
So lucky to be
The one you long to see
In the evening when the day is through

I only know what I know,
The passing years will show
You've kept my love so young, so new;
And time after time,
You'll hear me say that I'm

So lucky to be loving you 

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Nail Polish

I just developed a new fashion
of painting my nails
And for this I have a all new designer
She is qualified and knows her skill well
She is non other than my daughter

3.5 years of age :)

Sunday, 13 September 2020


बच्चों को लगते जो प्यारे
वो कहलाते हैं गुब्बारे 

गलियों, बाज़ारों, ठेलों में 
गुब्बारे बिकते मेलों में 
काले, लाल, बैंगनी, पीले
कुछ हैं हरे, बसन्ती, नीले

पापा थैली भर कर लाते 
जन्म-दिवस पर इन्हें सजाते
गलियों, बाजारों, ठेलों में 
गुब्बारे बिकते मेलों में 

फूँक मार कर इन्हें फुलाओ
हाथों में ले इन्हें झुलाओ 
सजे हुए हैं कुछ दुकान में 
कुछ उड़ते हैं आसमान में

मोहक छवि लगती है प्यारी 
गुब्बारों की महिमा न्यारी