Thursday, 16 July 2020

Like Charges Repel, Unlike Charges Attract

The way this universe is created , is magnificent .
The beauty of our existence lies in the different characteristics we all posses . 
I was just thinking of equality and space in relationships...and we all have been talking of it  . 
But the question remains : is it needed to keep the spark . The answer can be in the below fact : 
Like charges repel, unlike charges attract
Two electrons will tend to repel each other because both have a negative electrical charge. Two protons will also tend to repel each other because they both have a positive charge. On the other hand, electrons and protons will be attracted to each other because of their unlike charges. Also the farther away they are from each other, the less force their electric fields have on each other. Similarly, the closer they are to each other, the more force they will experience from each other due to this invisible force field called an electric field.
The learning is ON ..........

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