Tuesday, 6 November 2012


The Absolute Reality which is the fundamental cause of the universe and all beings is full (beyond all limitations which can be caused by time, space, and material). It is pure, free indivisible and homogeneous Consciousness. The individual self (jiva) which appears limited by time, space, and material, or name and form, is also full, pure, free, indivisible and homogeneous Consciousness. The individual Consciousness (self) which is full has come from that Absolute Consciousness which is also full. Here comes a discrepancy. How can something full come from something that is also full and still both remain full? This disparity is solved by the illustration of space. Space is recognized as full, free, pure, boundless, unattached, all-pervading, indivisible and homogeneous. When a barrier is erected in space, we say the space is divided and call it "room space, limited space," etc. If there is dust or contamination in the room, we say the space in the room is dusty or impure. We all know that space cannot be divided or become impure. It is always full, free, pure and indivisible. The divisions are assumed due to the barriers we construct in space. Similar is the nature of the Absolute Consciousness which is the Supreme Reality. Nothing can ever come from It. It alone exists. The separate individuality which one feels is due to the limiting adjuncts of body-mind complex which are, in reality, illusory appearances like dream objects or mirage seen in a desert or a rope mistakenly seen as a snake in dim light. When viewed in its real nature as Pure Consciousness alone, divested of its limitations, the individual Self is known to be one and the same Absolute Consciousness.

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