Wednesday, 1 August 2012


I was at the cremation ground few days back . All around burning bodies , relatives , friends , grieving family members , and the silent bodies ready for the last journey .
The end is final , I just had a thought that we all talk about soul , which progress and the body is just an instrument , but don’t you feel there should be a way to take the body along with soul . The whole journey of soul is supported by body , and its left back .
We are born, we see whole ups and downs, our journey , good and bad , emotions and all this is handled by body alone .
I shared the same thought with my father , and his answer was , shedding the body is important , that’s the nature of universe . There is no better way than what divine has created, even for the body to be left back .

1 comment:

  1. I feel- The soul is the main person who is travelling........its the soul who is bothered becoz of the ups and downs and not the body...Soul is basically get attached and love or hate anyone not the body ..... body is nothing but a transport system....Just like we are travelling in a train or bus...where its a transport for us to move from one place to other.....and body to a soul is just like a private complete a lifetime...but we confuse recognizing people by the outer shell...which is body...
