Monday, 14 February 2011

The Mirror of relationship

Today morning , I was having my bed tea and was searching channel to watch news. Just landed at NDTV Good times where a program about relationship was discussed with none other than Deepak Chopra .Amazing thoughts and a lot of things for our soul to think about .
He says that we cannot be virtuous if we do not have the capacity for evil. We cannot be wise if we do not have an inner fool. And we cannot be generous if we do not have a sting person inside us . In fact, the most enlightened people are those who accept their own ambiguity and full potential for light and dark. Everyone we see in the world is a reflection of ourselves and the traits we see most clearly in others are the ones that are the strongest in ourselves. Deepak calls this the mirror of relationship and says its a powerful tool for emotional freedom.
When we have a strong negative reaction to someone , we can be certain that they're reflecting traits that we also possess but have unwilling to embrace . We spend so much time denying that we have a dark side , and then end up projecting these denied qualities onto other people . For the same reason , we are attracted to certain people because they have the same traits that we have .

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