Friday 3 March 2017

Freedom of Expression

The debate on freedom of speech in the past 2 weeks have been totally irritating and frustrating . Ramjas and JNU has been the epicentre of this movement .
There is no substance to it and to some extend social media is responsible for it . Freedom of expression , freedom of speech ...but to what extend
How valid it is to practice your right and enter the right of others .
Its critical for everyone to be ........IN THEIR LIMITS
Freedom doesn’t mean speaking out and expressing each and everything what comes in mind ,  although its violation or breach of others freedom .
No one need to justify ones patriotism for India . Facebook and tweeter definitely cant help in that .
Also there are more serious topics which need discussion rather than freedom for Kashmir , Punjab and Telangana .

These are not even debatable topics ...completely rejected  .

I don’t feel people who are involved in such debate love our mother land and are anyway interested in the vested interest of wider audience , its more of self fulfilment .
Every inch of our mother land is ours and united and any debate or though to make it a better place should be welcomed , but please stop dragging and expressing ideas which is mere waste of intelligence on the name of FREEDOM  

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