Sunday 11 September 2016

When they don't care about Your feelings

Its really a pure emotional drain out when you know the person in front of you doesn’t care for your feelings. But it happens in life and some point in time, you have to take a final call. It’s difficult, but not impossible. One of the approach can be forgiveness. Other is detachment. If they have hurt you in the past and continue to hurt you, chances are you'll react only because you have not forgiven them. Maybe they have done something quite severe; maybe they hurt you really immoral. You ought to forgive them for your own good, not theirs. By forgiving them, you'll feel a lot lighter.
If the above doesn’t work , detachment is the last resort . Chances are you have enough on your plate without having to deal with the pain. If a person clearly does not care about you, it will help you a lot if you let them go, detach yourself. There are a lot of other people who will accept you, respect you, care about you for who you are. If you're the one getting hurt, its time for you to come out now . Forgive, and let go.

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