Thursday 29 October 2015

My Yogi

 "My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it" 

I was not in a ashram or in a yogi room , but this is the room of my father
He is a yogi in himself and I believe, when you are so close to someone like him , you are actually blessed .
He is my strength, and his presence makes my life meaningful and also gives it a direction .
Papa has always been versatile and believed in simplicity . He is a great thinker, loves classical music , loves reading , plays almost 3-4 instruments , sings and also writes . Me and my siblings completely depend on him for all the direction in life .
His room reflects the type of person he is . I always feel charged and the vibration in his room is divine . It’s so comforting and pure
The way he looks at life is something i will take years to realize.
Love you papa

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