Tuesday 26 May 2015

I Miss The Touch

Humans blossom on touch. Touch is as important as breathing and are a major part of the memories. 

Few days back, my sister was remembering our pet and said, she miss her witty charm and touch. My pet used to be so close and had a strange habit of sitting with us with a body part in touch with us .

You can’t turn off touch . It never goes away. You can close your eyes and imagine what it’s like to be blind, but touch is so central and omnipresent in our lives that we can’t imagine losing it.

After losing Maa , I do miss her touch , and I know everyone at home does . Its more painful since she had a habit of holding hand when I used to sit beside her , ......... for long . 

That part of my live is closed now . I will never be able to touch her again . 

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