Thursday 28 May 2015

Constant & Change

When you talk about relationship , it works both , at home and in the outer world . If you talk about me , I am not so good in socializing or establishing relationship outside . I have very few friends and trying anything new not my piece of cake .  Above that , I still don’t understand the importance of virtual socializing on WhatsApp , Facebook and twitter .
And the reason has been simple ....Outer world changes and I hate losing people .
On the other hand , back home , things are intact . I lose only when its beyond my control or call of GOD . Back home, my life is intact , Constant . I am not judged or compared ...its pure and driven only with "feel"

True , this blog is still not over . I do have few very special friends, who are my extended family & I consider myself fortunate to have them in my life and do make all effort to be in touch , not so much virtually  :) 

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