Saturday 30 May 2015


As I do everyday , was talking to my elder sister in Kolkata . By nature, she is a jovial person and takes everything lightly. I don’t expect too heavy conversation from her. Yesterday, not sure, but she said something which was too heavy .I was compelled to think.
She said " जिस चीज़ को जीतना पकड़ कर रखने की कोशिश करो , वो छूट जाता है , एकदम उस रेत की तरह जिसे आप मुट्ठी में बंद करना चाहते हैं  ...:(

And I could correlate ....this is true .

Thursday 28 May 2015

Constant & Change

When you talk about relationship , it works both , at home and in the outer world . If you talk about me , I am not so good in socializing or establishing relationship outside . I have very few friends and trying anything new not my piece of cake .  Above that , I still don’t understand the importance of virtual socializing on WhatsApp , Facebook and twitter .
And the reason has been simple ....Outer world changes and I hate losing people .
On the other hand , back home , things are intact . I lose only when its beyond my control or call of GOD . Back home, my life is intact , Constant . I am not judged or compared ...its pure and driven only with "feel"

True , this blog is still not over . I do have few very special friends, who are my extended family & I consider myself fortunate to have them in my life and do make all effort to be in touch , not so much virtually  :) 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

I Miss The Touch

Humans blossom on touch. Touch is as important as breathing and are a major part of the memories. 

Few days back, my sister was remembering our pet and said, she miss her witty charm and touch. My pet used to be so close and had a strange habit of sitting with us with a body part in touch with us .

You can’t turn off touch . It never goes away. You can close your eyes and imagine what it’s like to be blind, but touch is so central and omnipresent in our lives that we can’t imagine losing it.

After losing Maa , I do miss her touch , and I know everyone at home does . Its more painful since she had a habit of holding hand when I used to sit beside her , ......... for long . 

That part of my live is closed now . I will never be able to touch her again . 

Friday 15 May 2015

किस लम्हें ने थामी ऊँगली मेरी

This song from Dipika new movie is wonderful and the lyrics is awesome . Its very rare now that the words actually make you driven away . But this song does .

किस लम्हें ने थामी ऊँगली मेरी 
फुसला के मुझको ले चला 
नंगे पाओं दौड़ी आँखें मेरी 
ख्वाबों की सारी बस्तियां 

हर दूरियां हर फासले क़रीब हैं 
इस उम्र की भी शख्सियत अजीब है 

हम्म.. झीनी झीनी इन साँसों से 
पहचानी सी आवाज़ों में 
गूंजे हैं आज आसमां 
कैसे हम बेज़ुबां  

इस जीने कहीं हम भी थे 
थे ज़्यादा या ज़रा कम ही थे 
रुकके भी चल पड़े मगर 
रस्ते सब बेज़ुबान 

जीने की ये कैसी आदत लगी 
बेमतलब कर्ज़े चढ़ गए 
हादसों से बच के जाते कहाँ 
सब रोते हँसते सह गए

अब ग़लतियां जो मान ली तो ठीक है 
कमज़ोरियों को जो मात दी तो ठीक है 

झीनी झीनी इन साँसों से 
पहचानी सी आवाज़ों में 
गूंजे है आज आसमां 
कैसे हम बेज़ुबान

Song Link :

Friday 8 May 2015

Purest Love

Maa would have been 62 now . She left me when she was 55 . Life has been moving on a roller  coaster after she left .
There is not a single day when her though has not come .
What I miss the most is her touch and her feel . Her way of showing emotion was so special . May be all mother across do it the same way , but that’s still so fresh in my heart .
Her touch , her hug , i miss it so much . She was the purest love I would have even had . She new me so well, may be since she formed me , gave me breath and I am her formation .

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Perfect Relationship

One perfect relationship runs everything else.
We humans value only those things that we work for. If we work for something, it stays longer in our  minds and is part of us for long . That is exactly why , the more time we spend with somebody, more attached we become to them. 

So the question arises: “ How to know if he/she is good for me?”

To get this answer, ask yourself what your goals in life are. What matters most to you? Is it love , personal growth, more money, starting a venture of your own or doing things that have always been on your list  ?
Once you define those, check and see if that person is making you feel good about yourself and also taking you closer to your goals? Or is the person holding you back in some or the other ways and making you feel uncomfortable and poor?
So please choose well. You are precious & special.