Saturday 24 January 2015

Reason For Love

There are 2 views :

1.  There is always a reason! Why? Because we all have our desires, our emotions, our expectations, our values.  Love might be difficult to understand, but in fact it is dead simple. Being in a healthy and happy relationship is more difficult.
So when you fall in love, there is something that attracts you to that person: a smile, their eyes, their intelligence, the sense of humor....anything.

2. I met some one who loved a women, got married and living happily. This some one is very handsome . Got chance to meet his lady love - stunned ,  -I just asked about how come you selected and loved this girl.  His reply was simple " Look at her through my eyes"

Love - will not ask for reason, away from the other attachments; pure , feel 

I believe in 2nd , there is no reason to love someone .

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