Thursday 19 August 2010

Indian Priority

Is really commonwealth games a nation pride??
I don’t think so .There are other things on high priority , but the way other issues are handled , seems we are only left with one issue , ie "Commonwealth games " . No one even bothers to see what’s happening around. Issues like Maoist , Leh mishap etc are far below on priority .
Its evident again that we hardly care for human life . National pride on the cost of common lives doesn’t makes any sense to me .
And the reason for all these is "WE"
We have really lost that emotional link in this fast moving world around us and that has made non emotional issues more important. We are more concerned about the result of a match or commonwealth games update rather than issues which should have actually touched us .
May be that’s the reason we are taken on ride now by the government specially on the rising prices, since they know, we are busy with something else and wont resent.

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