Thursday, 21 March 2019

Holi Mubarak

Khaa key gujiya,
pee key bhaang,
laga ke thoda thoda sa rang,
baja ke dholak aur mridang,
khele holi hum tere sang,
Holi Mubarak!

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Something Left Forever

Bokaro has a special place in my heart . I was born  and have spent most of my life there . But apart from this , it’s still the most emotional place for me on earth . The reason has been my mother . I still feel there is something which i have left there for ever . Every time I plan a trip to Bokaro , the cremation ground is always on my list . that’s the final place where I left her .....forever

The place has changed now , there are new constructions in and around , but the feel I have for this place , is intact .

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.