Saturday, 26 January 2019

Madhurani : The lost Legend

I have been a die hard fan of ghazals , either its from Jagjit Sigh , Begum Akhtar , Guhlam ali or Mehandi hasan . But I never heard of MadhuRani . Today during a radio conversation with Kavita Krishnamurthi , she narrated of this legendry ghazal singer .
Searched few and got this ghazal of her which is exceptional and I wonder how come I never heard of this name .
Worth listening

आँखों का था क़ुसूर न दिल का क़ुसूर था
आया जो मेरे सामने मेरा ग़ुरूर था

वो थे न मुझसे दूर न मैं उनसे दूर था
आता न था नज़र को नज़र का क़ुसूर था

कोई तो दर्दमंदे-दिले-नासुबूर था
माना कि तुम न थे, कोई तुम-सा ज़रूर था

लगते ही ठेस टूट गया साज़े-आरज़ू
मिलते ही आँख शीशा-ए-दिल चूर-चूर था

ऐसा कहाँ बहार में रंगीनियों का जोश
शामिल किसी का ख़ूने-तमन्ना  ज़रूर था

साक़ी की चश्मे-मस्त का क्या कीजिए बयान
इतना सुरूर था कि मुझे भी सुरूर था

जिस दिल को तुमने लुत्फ़ से अपना बना लिया
उस दिल में इक छुपा हुआ नश्तर ज़रूर था

देखा था कल ‘जिगर’ को सरे-राहे-मैकदा
इस दर्ज़ा पी गया था कि नश्शे में चूर था

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Happy Birthday GrandPa

This privilege has been withheld by my eldest sister for years now . Papa is always in Kolkata on 8th Jan celebrating his birthday . After years he was caught in Delhi and so we all were fortunate to celebrate this time . On his birthday, we want him to know how much he is loved and appreciated. He is the most loved and phenomenal person we all have been blessed with . Thank you for all that he does and for all the love he showers . Happy birthday Papa !

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

MomiDi Zinda Baad

I grew up with 3 siblings , my 3 sisters . Of them Momidi was the most arrogant and blunt .The bond we share now is unlike anything else , and we all have matured to that . Its not always what we want , or what I expect . Its also not what I imagined or hoped , but its the most important thing in the world . Today as well , on the eve of New Year  , I went to greet her , much within , I went for tandoori chicken as well , and as always , she knew of this and things were well ready and prepared . Love you didi .