Sunday 18 July 2021


The mattress in my fathers room was a old mattress , made of cotton , the old style . It was a old mattress which was with him from past 18-20 years . It also had memories linked to my mother and so from past 1 month my father was worried about its condition . The mattress was in bad shape with patches all around and which needed immediate care .

Finally yesterday , he called the local guy who made mattress out of cotton . We took the mattress to his shop and finally after through inspection , he came to a conclusion that this matters cant be repaired because the cotton is dead , cant be reused and refilled .

The only option was to go for a new mattress .

I could see the pain of losing one of another last possession he had from Bokaro . May be these are the items which make him be attached to his memories with Maa .

Finally the new mattress was delivered yesterday evening , but the whole day he kept telling me about the story of the old mattress .

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