Friday 17 April 2015

Banyan Tree

Sometimes things on the surface and that within are just opposite. It’s almost impossible to know what’s happening within. IF you start assuming, it seems life has come to an end, its stagnant and there is no hope for recovery.
But within, there is immense possibility to revive again. Its the positive thought and the madness for revival, that a dead looking tree comes back to life again.
I saw this tree while on my way to Gurgaon few days back. I have always seen this banyan tree green and full of life. But few days back, it was as if everything is finished, and it’s dead.
But to my surprise, there were new leaves saplings coming up , which made me convinced that it will be green and lively again .
Life is awesome and I don’t see a single reason to question back the creator.
And above all  , there is huge and immense potential within to turnaround LIFE.

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