Sunday 8 March 2015

A Promise Is A Promise

Do you think before you make a promise to someone? What if you can’t deliver on your word? Does it really matter? The world isn’t going to come to an end, is it? Well, actually no, but have you thought ...

Many people are pretty casual about making promises. As a result, promises are frequently made with no real intention of keeping them. “Let’s go out for lunch,” “I’ll call you later,” and “I’ll be there in five minutes” are all examples of making promises that are frequently made but rarely kept. However, this casual attitude can have real consequences.

When you break a promise, no matter how small it may seem to you, it won’t sound high , but it can damage a relationship . Think about it when someone else breaks a promise to you, doesn’t that make you feel violated ?  You can’t help wondering whether you were wrong to ever trust that person.

After all  "A promise is a promise"

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