Friday 30 September 2011

3 Wishes

It was the last time when my mother came to Delhi in Jan 2008 . Since I was occupied with my work schedules , Jayanti took my parents to Chatarpur mandir . My mother new that if you have some wishes, its granted if you tie a thread there . She tied 3 .
Just 10 days later , I lost her forever .Few days back I was discussing this with my sister and she told me that the 3 wishes she wanted to be granted were ,
- My youngest sister marriage
- A baby for my sister who was married for past 5 years
- And a good relationship for me and jayanti .
She could have easily asked for her good health , but her priority were always we .
Now when she is no more , I think why she didn’t tied 4 threads , the 4th one for her own good health .

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