Friday 4 March 2011

Big Thank You !!

It was in the year 2008 , Feb . We were going to Kolkata from Bokaro . All of us were completely broken and empty since it was just 10 days that we lost our mother . We were in the 1976 made Fiat of my father and just before Durgapur, the car broke down. Complete engine oil leaked and we were standing helpless by the side of the road. After much effort , I got an auto and went to a petrol bunk . Got the oil and then there was no means by which I can come back. Tried a lot for lift but didn’t worked. Finally one truck driver stopped and I thanked him and sat inside . He dropped me near the car and when I tried giving him tips , he straight forward refused . I was astonished .
He helped me when I needed the most without even knowing me. If met again , I would again like to say a “Big Thank You “

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