Wednesday 26 October 2016


Life has always been so uncertain and its been a chakraview , finding the reason for my existence and what next . Even a slightest of thing doesn’t work as per my will . So why all this .
Its again a very dead moment for me . I lost my cousin , and its so painful thinking that at what stage of life I am t, my cousins have started leaving me .
Its a state of complete helplessness .All my request , pray and begging has been unaccepted .
He was my sole reason to visit Ranchi , very grounded and always with a smiling face. He was also my mother's special    .
Within I am broken and even though I have planned to visit Ranchi tomorrow , I have no strength left to see him lying lifeless .
Tomorrow , all things beautiful and bright would be buried with him forever .

Monday 10 October 2016

Walking Along The Memory Lane

Naumi , the ninth day of Durga puja . I love this festival because this takes me back to my golden days with Maa .
Out of the whole year , there were just 2 occasions when we got new dresses , durga puja was one of them . Naumi used to be the day when we all went to the puja pandal and offer flowers to Maa Durga in new dress .
Maa used to look so pretty in red sari and lot of red glass bangles. Time has changed. We all left Boakro 10 years back . Every thing of that era stayed back in Bokaro , except my golden memories of time spend with Maa . These were the most special time for all of us . And its true , When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.